LKQ Proud To Serve – Western District W2
February 15, 2023

LKQ Proud To Serve – Western District W2

Since 2012, Western District W2 has held an annual canned food drive in honor of Jamie Pollard, a former employee in the district. Jamie often volunteered his time to help people in his community, so a canned food drive to help fill the pantries at the local shelters was a perfect match when thinking of an excellent way to honor him and his service at LKQ and in his communities. COVID disrupted our regular annual charitable event, and we were thrilled to bring back this opportunity to give.

Location 1715 in Redding, CA, had collected more cans than all the other locations in prior years and held the prestigious “King of the Cans” trophy. This year we will add a new location plaque to the traveling award.

The team at 1785 in Stockton, CA, pulled together nearly 2300 pounds of canned foods, 27.3 pounds per employee, and is now the home of the district trophy! The district brought in a total of 4,400 pounds of canned goods.

Each location will take its donated food to its local emergency food bank to help provide meals during the holiday season to needy families.

This a stellar effort to give back to the community! Thank you all for your continued support.

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